What is Inner Voice?


You can call it your intuition, your higher self, or your soul. Inner voice is all of these things. And it’s always available to you, just beyond the chatter of the mind. Though the mind concerns itself with worry, fear, judgement, and struggle; inner voices are always in a state of peace, acceptance, stillness, and love.

In our sessions, I guide my clients to connect to their inner voices and quiet their minds. They are able to see, hear, and feel the infinite wisdom of their inner being. Through this process, my clients are able to find clarity and direction in many aspects of their lives. Oftentimes, the solutions we seek are much simpler than what our minds can grasp.

While in this deep state of awareness, emotions from the past often come up to be released. These emotions were once stuck in our energetic bodies and they are what cause us to feel triggered in our day to day lives. Eckhart Tolle calls this phenomena ‘the pain body.’ Whilst in session, I hold space for my clients to release these emotions, guiding them through this process. Once learned, it is a skill that can be used to release uncomfortable emotions whenever they arise as well as the triggers themselves.

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